AI usage is on the rise. Did you use AI for any of your portfolio pieces, or content written on your website?
A portfolio is meant to show actual work quality and capacity, and that is the goal of this portfolio.
All work in my portfolio and written site content presented as my original work, is 100% my own work. (Where other people were involved, credits and sources are listed in the descriptions on each portfolio page.) Many pieces inside my portfolio were created without any use of AI, either as an educational or generative tool.The exceptions are four specific sections in my portfolio intended to demonstrate AI knowledge. These four portfolio piece sections are clearly labeled as “AI Fusion”. For those specific portfolio pieces, a summary is provided indicating how AI was utilized, and the extent of AI usage referenced.
It’s important to note: that for each of the AI Fusion portfolio pieces none of them were simply generative. (For example: using an AI platform to make a photo, and putting it in a portfolio.) Rather, for those portfolio pieces referenced, when AI was utilized it was a small portion to the larger whole, meant to display AI skill. For example, utilizing skilled prompting (based on preexisting industry knowledge) for an AI to generate a hyper-specific image. Then, completely unassisted by AI using that image as a part of a larger work where all other elements (idea origination, content thought leadership, theme, design, successive creative iterations in the portfolio piece) are my own. Or, using a workflow of multiple AI platforms to pragmatically architect a creative vision into reality, where the scope of the end result far exceeds the output of any single AI rendering. In the portfolio pieces where I demonstrate AI usage, my own other skilled abilities are a much greater context for usage of AI in each of those portfolio pieces. All other portfolio pieces in my entire portfolio were made with no AI assistance either educationally or generatively.
No written content anywhere on my website was created utilizing AI. All content written on my website is my own content writing.
For images seen on this website’s general navigation pages I utilized fashion photography knowledge to create AI prompts and subsequent images in cohesion with my website theme.
What is your general stance on AI usage for business services and content creation?
AI is a powerful tool that can facilitate business, professional, and creative productivity at greater optimization and scale. With each new technology that emerges there is always a societal adjustment period. AI is pervasively being integrated into our present, and is set to increase even more in the future. I fully embrace utilizing the capabilities of AI. Yet, doing so with enough empathetic bandwidth to adjust to individual brand preferences for AI usage. While new and emerging technological developments are exciting, as a business and creative professional my stance is that methodologies should always have team and client buy-in. The end goal of business is to provide mutually beneficial solutions that benefit both businesses and consumers. It’s my view that AI should be used within that greater context.
What are your core operational priorities as a business and creative professional?
Keeping a continual growth mindset while staying poised to pivot. Technologies, algorithms, markets, and possibilities continually change. One of the primary constants in life is change. It’s important to me to keep a pulse on developments, and to be ready to adjust as is optimal. That means:
Continually learning from the best in relevant industries, who have proven high ROI results. Even at personal and professional development zeniths, there always exists more information to learn and additional ways to improve.
Being an early adopter of emerging technologies and applying them.
Aligning with innovation, and remaining at the axis of existing methodologies and new modalities, integrating both in a timely and effective manner.
Understanding and utilizing the power of leveraging teams and client collateral. Collaborative teams where each member works cohesively and in their strengths are productive forces that profoundly affect change. Most end-results emanate from teams whether those teams are visible or hidden. A client’s project is one part of a much greater whole; therefore context is important. Accordingly, I value:
Continually curating a network of skilled colleagues who specialize in complementary services to augment what I offer. This ensures the potential for client results is not a closed circuit. Rather, that I offer solutions and also provide a conduit for clients to even further actualize their goals.
A comprehensive approach to understanding client dynamics (brand essence, mission, short and long-term goals, project stakeholder interests, and client collateral). This is contrary to only a project-based focus. A 360 degree approach to understanding clients facilitates 360 degree wins for those clients.
Focusing on fewer moves, yet those that are optimized for highest value and highest ROI. Continual idea generation and the instinct toward complementary enterprise are core attributes of many professionals who prize progress. To refine that process toward better effectiveness, I find it important to set a focus on high value and high ROI activities as parameters to filter opportunities through. This keeps endeavors and results both meaningful and maximally effective.
Brand and brand audience centric relevance. As the reticular activating system in the human brain filters out irrelevant information, it’s essential for creative and other communications to be highly relevant to laser through all other messaging. To not prioritize high relevance is to mute messaging in a saturated information economy, where attention is already largely occupied. In order to resonate, all communications first must be highly relevant.
Seeking to stun through style and substance. This is an optimal delivery strategy and perfect compliment for highly relevant messaging. The average attention span is just seconds, it’s important for communications to both capture attention and captivate. This optimizes the potential for garnering clients excellent results.
Our company wants to book you for a specific project. What are your rates?
Payment terms are project-based versus hourly; and are determined by project details, timeframe, and scope of work. Hourly rates are only for ancillary consulting services requested beyond the original scope of work contract. That’s for a project already in progress. To receive a project quote, please fill out the inquiry form, here.
What payment methods do you accept?
Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex, Venmo (verified business accounts only)
Our team loves your work! We are interested in hiring you at our company. Would you consider a salaried role?
Thanks! I feel honored that my work has impressed your company’s team. The best way to heighten my interest, and impress me back is by:
Running a company with a synergistic thriving culture, and a growth mindset. Dynamic teams where members take ownership, leadership, and initiative in their roles inspire me. I want to be valued for my unique contribution, yet also want to admire the people I work with and theirs. That means your company has a team of people invested in what they do, and a work culture to flourish in that. A company I would commit to is one where ongoing actualization is a goal of the business and those within. I want to spend time with people who are learning and leveling-up. That’s my tribe, personally and professionally.
Loathing mediocrity, staleness, and “but we’ve always done things this way.” Instead, loving improvement, innovation, and expansion. Time is irreplaceable. I won’t judge you for what you do with yours professionally, but I won’t spend mine in a dystopia of excessive limits and stale status quo. Life is happening now. I refuse to wait until the weekend to live my best life. So, I’m only interested in a work dynamic where I can thrive. If you are thinking about hiring me, ideally you have similar values.
Having ethical intentions toward me, your employees, and your clients. If you spent meaningful time viewing my portfolio, you likely have gathered I’m not lazy. However, I won’t have my productivity inclination taken advantage of to a company’s betterment, at my expense and detriment. Attempting to deal unethically with me, or any ask of me to mishandle clients and I’m gone. I’m serious. The only company I would consider is one with enough confidence and competence to engineer and commit to situations where everyone wins: the business, employees, and clients. I’m not interested in anything less than that.
Being prepared to allow me some freedom to define and create my role, work tasks, growth trajectory, and contribution in your company. I 100% understand the importance of meeting and completing pre-defined necessary tasks. I once won an award at a company for outstanding performance doing that. Yet, I’m also full of ideas, focus, drive, ambition, audacity, and creativity. An ideal role for me is one where I independently and collectively participate in innovating ideas and solutions. Particularly, in revenue generation opportunities, process infrastructure, and building a better future. This will keep me motivated, invested, and invigorated.
Leading with a salary offer that shows you are enthusiastic about hiring me. Companies that value candidates put pay where their praise is. A salary offer that would interest me is one that conveys that you respect and appreciate my abilities, and understand the real value I could bring to your company. Ideally, it expresses your excitement to bring me on your team, in a way that shows that you prefer I take your offer over any others.
Making sure I’m your cup of tea before you contact me. I’m a mix of visionary, sweetly playful maverick, insatiable creative, information mad-scientist, and existential philosopher. I don’t mindlessly “cog”; instead, I prefer to actively contribute, collaborate, and innovate. Any company expecting me to fill a narrowly prescribed role completing bland tasks, will get their corporate heart broken. Rather, if your work dream looks more like a team of action-hero movie ninjas, gallantly overturning the mundane and sweepingly transforming entire industries well then, we are in alignment. Also,… where have you been all my life? Co-creating an awe-inspiring unforgettable ruckus through the world with a like-minded team invested in what they do definitely sounds like my cup of tea. I would be thrilled for us to talk about possible adventures we could have together. I live for creating and experiencing mic drop moments. If you want to create them with me then yes, you should absolutely contact me.